2005 Best of Best Award


2005 Best of Best Award

This small but necessary addition was added to a home with small rear rooms, including the very small galley kitchen which was recently remodeled. We put the addition on and kept the window as a pass through to the kitchen, and created a wide doorway where windows had been. The family wanted it bright, so we made a cathedral roof and installed very large windows on two walls, and full French doors on the side leading to the deck. The wood flooring offsets the cool colors of the decor. The addition has its own hvac system, and opens up the house in a way that makes that area feel much larger. The home has a lower level family room that opens onto the new deck, and so does the addition, with steps down, so it improves the flow between the rear rooms of the house. The kids now prefer to do their homework in the addition, because they can socialize with mom while she’s preparing dinner, and there’s plenty of room for everyone nearby.


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